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DeKalb County’s 5th Commission District

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Decatur, Georgia 30030

Transportation Plan Tier 1 Projects

Transportaion Plan Tier 1 Projects

Tier 1: $50 million, the approximate amount of money available for transportation projects through the year 2040, based on current levels of spending (assuming one new city incorporates and collects a portion of DeKalb County’s HOST money). Of the $50 million, $35 million is allocated to asset management and $15 million is allocated to new projects. More detail about transportation projects can be found in the DeKalb County Transportation Plan.

Projects in Tier 1 are those of highest priority within unincorporated DeKalb County. These projects, along with those from Tier 2, will be competing with projects from around the region for a place in the Atlanta Regional Commission’s Regional Transportation Plan and will be the primary focus for DeKalb County.

1614APanola Road Widening (Browns Mill Road to Thompson Mill Road)-Right -of-WayPE and right-of-way (Phase I) for road widening from two- to four-lanes as well as access/mobility improvements, including bicycle lanes and pedestrian features; intersection improvements as appropriate$3,000,000.00
1612Covington Highway Multimodal Corridor Improvements – PhaseWiden roadway from two- to four-lanes, including a center turn lane from Evans Mill Rd in DeKalb County to Sigman Rd. in Rockdale County as well as a median treatment with bicycle and pedestrian improvements.$9,000,000.00
6026Heritage Corridor StudyPerform a multimodal corridor study that will consider roadway, bike, and pedestrian improvements throughout and connecting Stone Mountain and Lithonia downtowns; where needed, short-term pedestrian improvements will be considered to improve pedestrian crossings.$200,000.00
4012Covington Highway Bridge Improvement (south of S. Hairston Road)Replace bridge because bridge sufficiency rating is 50 or less and therefore meets the threshold to qualifyfor bridge replacement funding. Consider cross section for bike and pedestrian improvements to align with Project 2681 (a multimodal corridor project along Covington Hwy).$3,000,000.00