DeKalb County’s 5th Commission District
Covington Highway Activity Center
- Location: Central portion of the county.
- Commission District: 3, 4, and 5
- Super District 6 & 7
- Small Area Plan (SAP): Covington Highway
- Master Active Living Plan (MALP)
- Implementation Tool: Memorial Drive Overlay
Specifically, the land use vision calls for directing growth into walkable centers that can serve as focal points for nearby areas. Due to its large size, it is not feasible to expect the study area to have a single identity. However, by establishing different centers based on access, environmental factors, and location, it is possible to create a framework that can accommodate the range of development patterns desired by stakeholders. Envisioned activity centers along the corridor include:
- The southern center, which is the area between Redan Road and I-285. This area focuses on redevelopment of large underutilized commercial properties and old apartment complexes into a higher-density, mixed use village center.
- The middle center, which is the area around Covington Drive and Midway Road. It is envisioned as a neighborhood center with the neighborhood serving commercial and mixed residential.
- The northern center, which is the area around the Memorial Drive/ Covington Hwy intersection that close to the Kensington MARTA station. It redeveloped, this area shall feature transit-oriented development with a variety of uses. These centers will be connected by an improved multi-modal Covington Hwy and a better connected transportation system around it.
The master plan is intended to be a proactive, community-based vision and blueprint for the Covington study area that will improve public health by achieving the following goals:
- Improving bike/pedestrian connections
- Encouraging mixed use development These goals, along with community specific aspirations that emerged from the public outreach process, have been instrumental in guiding the plan for the Covington study area.
Land Use recommendations from the study are being used as policy guidelines in the comprehensive plan.